Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Cookie Success!

I have a world famous Christmas cookies recipe. Well, I just believe it is world famous. But I can tell you that I get a lot of requests for these cookies. Friends and family wait for me to make them every year. I usually only make them once a year -- rolled and decorated cookies are a lot of work!

However, these cookies have lost a little of their luster with me these past few years because I became essentially gluten free. I still have gluten once in a while but certainly not often enough to enjoy Christmas cookies. I still make them because everyone loves them but I don't think I have eaten any the past two years.

I tried to make a gluten free version the first year I went gluten free, but they had a funny taste to them. I used Bob's Red Mill GF All-Purpose Baking Flour. There is a flour in there I do not like - garbanzo or fava bean perhaps? Because of that I have never been a fan of Bob's GF All-Purpose Baking Flour. For prepackaged GF flour I favor Pamela's.

This year I decided to make cookies using Shauna's GF Flour Mix. Aside from being really fragile, these cookies are indistinguishable from my gluten filled variety. I now have a little container of cookies in the refrigerator just for me!

I have had two big successes using Shauna's mix (pie crust and cookies) and I am looking forward to trying more things in the new year. And guess what folks? I improvised a little with her recipe because I didn't have exactly the flours she listed, namely the superfine brown rice flour -- I just used white rice flour. Here is her recipe:

200 grams superfine brown rice flour
150 grams sorghum flour
50 grams potato flour
250 grams sweet rice flour
150 grams potato starch
100 grams arrowroot powder
100 grams cornstarch

Happy baking to all and to all a good night!

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